Zapowiadana_8_prawda_o_mnie :)
maffefka 2002 rok
Bylo lato, plaza, woda i dziewczyna marchewowa.
Wlosy niby braz miala w sloncu patrze...ruda glowa.
Pila ciagle duzo soku, sok byl marchewkowy.
A na sobie miala co? owszem... stroj pomaranczowy.
Nie dosc ze plackiem lezala i promienie pobierala
to od soku juz jej skora lekki kolor marchwi miala.
Patrze, mysle no MARCHEWKA, ale brzmi tak warzywnami.
Powiem jej jestes maffefka, to skojarzy ze smerfami.
Happy_V_Day_for_you_all! :*

oraz_wiecej zdjec zrobionych dzisiaj :))))
mam nadzieje ze wszytkim walentynki minely przyjemnie. mile towarzystwo? slodkosci, kwiaty... bardziej uczuciowo niz komercyjnie.

Blog_Play "Kreativ Blogger" - 7_truth_about .......
But firstly new part of fashion inspirations.
So now I will come back to the main topic of this post. I was invited to play this game- thanks girls:)! Topic- ?7 truth about Juliett K? also known as ?Maff? I will only add that firstly I wanted to focus only issues concerned with fashion and my interests in this field but my sets and other photos on the blog are enough . The moment of truth?:)
1. There is no single day without?
I love all vanilla flavored yogurts and creamy cakes. Hmmm to the favorites I will also include puff pastry . I can?t imagine a single day without them:)
My first breakfast ? usually cereal with milk, vanilla yogurt or pudding
My second breakfast- cottage cheese with tomato
My third breakfast- creamy cake with coffee
2. Woman is a mystery
I had hair in almost every colour ( blond, brown, ginger, green at first spring day:) and black) .
First time I dyed my hair to blond ( all gymnasium I was called Britney:)) Later I darkened them and brightened them interchangeably. Two years ago I cut my black and long hair because I want to come back to my natural colour. It was hard ? I like short hair when somebody have them but personally it?s not for me. Nowadays I have my natural colour but many times the temptation of change is very strong. ?Woman is unpredictable, like a feather in the wind:) When i can?t control myself any longer I?m buying a washable shampoo in all kinds of colour. End of the topic- lets go further; p
3. People
What I appreciate in people is the ability of being good, courtesy in unselfish way.
And what I dislike? When they confuse ?honesty ? with being out of lining. Exception- when this person warned that he/she is like that. I won?t comment on that?
?it is very good as it is now? . I?m happily in love and I?ve got a lot of friend so I don?t complain. I will appoint myself a ?connoisseur of women beauty?. I can spend hours admiring the women beauty on photos or in real life. You can see it on my blog:) maybe for some ones it is weird but it is this way?my aesthetics.
I have about 6 000 photos of Adriana Lima on my computer and another 6 000 photos of other models. I saw Adrianna for the first time in 2003 and it was a boom! I fell in love and Since then fanatically saved on the hard drive every single photo I met on Internet. Nowadays this addiction scaled down almost to zero. Adrianna grow up, now she is a mummy. I will always have a sentiment toward her and her photos are still on the top of my beauty list.
5. Interesting detail
Hardly anyone knows that I write a poetry. But because I have little time and maybe lack of inspiration was the cause that I gave up and very rarely I write something nowadays. I wrote mainly during school times- poems for my friends diaries . I even have a big collection of my poems in my drawer.
Facts and advantages: I can write a short simple poem at sight about anything and anybody. It came in useful few times.
6. In the kitchen?
I want to emphasize that this is not my opinion!:) Allegedly I can cook. It?s weird because I come up with my dishes spontaneously. I trust my instinct and my taste buds. And fans of my kitchen always ask for seconds. So maybe it is true:)
Till now number of poisoned people- 0
I can cook also traditionally- f.e. meat balls ;p
When you look at me you can?t see the effects of that cooking passion but believe me and take my word for it! These are ?truths about me? after al:)
It is also important that I had been a vegetarian for 6 years, but for 3 years I eat meat. My fiancé persuaded me to it.
7. How did you write it?
From my earliest years I have troubles with orthography. In black and white- dyslexia and dysorthography. I know every spelling rule but in practice it is hard. I think that this is the cause that I?m unable to learn any foreign language on a good level and this is my sorrow. So I hope that you will be tolerant that my posts and translations to English are not so often posted( my friend is helping me with translations).
Kisses for everyone!:* Thank you for so huge interest ! For the game I nominate beautiful Suzee!
P.S. I wanted also write about the history of my nick- maffefka but I didn?t manage to put it into any of 7 points ;) Damn it :)
I?m proud that you read till this moment , congratulations!:) Thank you for your attention!
If there are any mistakes in the translation my friend is begging for forgiveness :)